We are offering this highly effective English language course for those who want to communicate with confidence and practical knowledge. This course will not only be a refresher course, it will also become a valuable resource for English language users. Professional writing skills and clear communication materials provide free plain language articles, writing tutorials, and focus on English proficiency.
The human being and the language were initiated at the same time. Over time they have diversified and developed. As a result, many human races with different languages have grown up. Second language acquisition grew rapidly and once two communities interacted for commercial, political, religious or marriage matters. With the advancement of modern technology, this phenomenon has taken on a pressing need. English has acquired the status of a 21st century “FRNCA LANGUAGE”. This ushered in the monopolistic era of learning and teaching English as a second language in 150 countries.
Spoken English Course Content
Spoken English Course is Consist of 3 Levels.
- Beginners’ Level
- Advanced Level
- Professional Level
Spoken English Course Detail
Beginners’ Level
- Basic Grammar (strong grip on structural and functional grammar)
- Rich Vocabulary
- Communication skills through group work / pair work
- Role-plays, Jig-Saw activities, Discussions, Debates etc
- Writing Applications, Formal letters, Essays, Stories, Poems, Book
- Reviews and day-to-day accounts
- Listening skills polished through typescripts in language labs
Advanced Level
- Detailed grammar (thorough grounding in structure)
- Detailed study of Received Pronunciation
- Command on Simple English Lexicon (SEL)
- Communication skills through Role-plays, Jig-Saw activities, Discussions, Debates, Speeches etc
- Intense reading plus pleasure reading activities
- Mature writing including writing Articles, Poems, Book reviews etc formal / informal letters
- Listening skills polished through typescripts in language labs and telephonic conversations
Professional Level
- Proficient communication skills both at academic and professional level
- Speaking through Role-plays, Jig-Saw activities, Discussions, Debates, Speeches and presentations
- CV, Resume writing, Cover and reference letter writing
- Professional tips for job interviews and exemplary performance at work place
- Tips for preparing and delivering breath-taking presentations both at academic and professional level and Chairing meetings with expertise
- Listening skills polished through recorded presentations, lectures of professionals and telephonic conversations