Mechanical engineering is the study, design, development, construction and testing of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, motors and machines. Mechanical engineering majors focus on creating technologies to meet a wide range of human needs.
Mechanical engineering subjects include automotive engineering, manufacturing engineering, power plant engineering, thermal engineering, and mechatronic engineering, which is a combination of electrical, computer and mechanical engineering.
What do mechanical engineers do? Mechanical engineers generally work in offices, but are sometimes called to the field, visiting construction sites when a problem or equipment requires their personal attention and to supervise construction elements. Mechanical engineers work mainly in engineering services, research and development, and manufacturing.
With introductory, intermediate and advanced course options available, United College offers a wide variety of engaging mechanical engineering courses.
Are you interested in artificial intelligence and locomotion? Learn how to design, build, and program robots capable of operating in the real world by enrolling in the University of Pennsylvania Advanced Course, Robotics: Locomotion Engineering.
Mechanical engineers are also pioneers in the aviation industry. Learn about the fascinating world of aviation by doing research on aeronautics, aerodynamics, and flight mechanics in Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering Course Content
- Introduc Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
- Manufacturing Technology-I
- Mechanical Measurements & Metrology
- Mechanical Testing & Quality control Lab
- Basic workshop practice-II
- Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials
- Machine shoption to Mechanical Engineering
- Theory of Machines
- Thermal Engineering-I
- Manufacturing Technology-II
- Fluid Power Engineering
- Fluid Power Lab